We Cherish You
Dear Friends and Family, Past & Present, of the Moontribe Collective:
30 years of celebrating life, love, ecstatic communal dance, the timeless rhythm of the moon, and radical self reliance.
That we have gathered consistently on the Full Moon for 30 years as the Moontribe Collective has never been sought, expected, or guaranteed. At any point, our collective experiment in non-commercial, volunteer-supported, donation-based, full moon gatherings could have ended due to any number of factors. First and foremost, we would not still be able to shine together in the glow of the Full Moon without the countless selfless acts that so many have taken. These acts - from ongoing dedicated organizing often spanning years and decades to the critical lending of a hand in a moment of need at a gathering- are the bedrock foundation of our often magical, nourishing, and transformative gatherings.
So, this message is to every single individual who has found it in their heart to give of themselves to co-create what has become for so many a life-affirming and essential sacred ritual. We are closer to that feeling of universal Love when we give; closer to that ineffable spirit that vibrates as the Earth, Moon, and Cosmos when we are spontaneously altruistically motivated. Gratefully, the Moontribe community rests on just such beautiful acts, great and small.
From deep within our hearts,
We thank YOU if you have ever:
Provided water to another
Worked a door shift
Shared your musical talent
Gifted another with your art
Gave respect and care to another
Rented a port-a-pottie
Found land to gather on
Hauled or set up a sound system
Contributed to an altar
Held ceremony/circle
Researched legal issues
Dealt with law enforcement
Tended a fellow Moontriber in need
Danced with all your heart & soul
Purchased gathering insurance
Handled yourself responsibly
Provided shade or warmth
Attended organizing meetings
Designed or printed an anniversary t-shirt
Radiated Love & Light
The list could, obviously, continue but it is impossible to recount all the acts of love and expansive generosity we have all been blessed with. We send much love, gratitude, respect, and light to each of you - you know who you are!! And though we tried our best to remember everyone and find their emails, we know that wonderful people are missing from our list. If you know someone that should receive this, please pass it on to them.
We invite you to join us in dance and would love to reconnect with you if it has been a while. Come howl at the moon with us once again! You are all part of Moontribe history and reside in our collective heart.
***Live in Love***