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Moontribe Collective


Moontribe is a community of friends and family who gather in the desert to dance beneath the full moon. Moontribe is not a legal entity such as a 501(c)(3). No one profits individually from the gatherings, and after expenses are paid any proceeds are set aside for future gatherings. Through radical acts of initiation and participation, Moontribe has matured into the gathering we have come to love. After 30 years, of repeatedly expressing this collective act of volunteerism, aspects of Moontribe's ethos are crystal clear. Moontribe is not publicly marketed, is non-profit in practice, is funded completely on donations, staffed lovingly by volunteers, does not allow vending of any kind yet encourages a gift and sharing culture, enjoys one sound-system and shares directions only to those on the email list. If someone needs to do something in order to ensure a better, safer gathering, then that person might be YOU.

How can I help?

Find volunteers at the door and explore how you can participate in gatherings.

Learn what it means to Live in Love.


Desert Dwelling


Leave No Trace

  • Moontribe is a gathering of friends, not a festival or concert.


  • Everyone is responsible for their own garbage, recycling and belongings.


  • Pack In/Pack Out - whatever you bring, take it with you when you leave.


  • Bring trash bags and keep the desert clean!



  • Save your butts!


  • Carry a mint tin or other small container at all times to keep your butts and dispose of them at your campsite trash that you take home.


  • Please be respectful of non-smokers around you and do not smoke on the dancefloor.



  • Bringing dogs to gatherings is strongly discouraged. The intensity of the full moon, loud music, fire, crowds, children playing, and other dogs can lead to dog fights, attacks, matings, and run aways.


  • If you choose to bring your dog they must be leashed at all times. You are responsible for anything that happens with your dog.



  • Fires are only permitted at some gatherings. Read the directions email for specific info.


  • If fire spinning is allowed, make sure you are in a clearing, nowhere near plants, and practicing safe techniques. Include a sealed fuel dump and a duveteyne or fire safety blanket. Have a friend watch the blanket and area at all times.


  • Keep fumes away from the dancefloor.


  • Please use porta-potties if they are available. Do not put anything in the potties except toilet paper!


  • If you must poop outdoors, dig a hole at least 6 inches deep and bury your waste.


  • Carry a "sh!t kit" on your bathroom walk that contains toilet paper, wet wipes, and a small baggie for used accessories.


  • Do not leave anything in the desert that did not come out of your body!


Love the Land

  • Respect the environment.


  • Pack In/Pack Out and do not cause any damage to trees, shrubs, flowers or wildlife.


  • Desert shrubs may look dead but they are often just dormant in the dry seasons and will bloom again in the spring.


  • “Take only pictures, and leave only footprints.”


  • Don't push the bush!


Survival Guide


Bring 1.5-2 gallons of water per person, per day! Instead of bringing lots of small disposable plastic water bottles, bring a reusable water bottle and keep filling it up from larger containers. Bring electrolytes and stay hydrated!


Bring enough waste bags for your camp and some extras to share. We each handle our own trash. Everyone is responsible for bringing home their own trash and recycling. Please don’t let trash hit the ground and if it does, please pick it up before the wind does.


Bring a reusable travel cup/mug and fill up your drinks at your camp. Carry your reusable mug to the dancefloor. You can put it at your feet while you’re dancing, and you won’t be littering when it’s empty.


Everyone is responsible for their own safety. You and your friends are responsible for handling your own minor injuries. Bring: bandages, tweezers, scissors, oils/ointments, aloe, sunscreen, medication, and anything else you may require.


Do not just follow the person in front of you! If they make a mistake then you may also end up lost or stuck. Follow your own set of directions. Read the direx email for more info on how to drive like a boss.


Desert weather is unpredictable. Always be prepared for unexpected hot and cold temperatures! Bring sunscreen, hats, sarongs in the summer, warm hats, gloves, scarves, coats in the winter, and all-weather clothing in fall and spring.


If you are bringing your baby or small child, make sure to protect their tiny ear drums! Protective ear muffs are great for baby/toddler dancefloor visits. If you plan to hang out in front of the speakers or to sleep at some point, earplugs are a great idea!


Don't put your drinks on the speakers or other sound equipment. It’s very precious and doesn’t like getting wet! Remember to bring your trash back to your camp and take it home with you instead of leaving it by the speakers or on the dancefloor.


If you want to wander off away from the gathering, take a buddy with you or at least inform your friends where you’re going. Don’t leave your friends wondering what happened to you, causing unnecessary stress or panic.


NO MEANS NO and everything else except yes means NO. If you are unsure then ask or stop what you are doing. Be sure that your behavior is wanted. Respect others’ bodies and privacy. Do not ever prey on others and please step in if you see others doing so. Always ask for help if you need it.


Be mindful of people around you and that they are wanting to have a wonderful time at the gathering as well. We all have an impact on each other, and we all take a huge part in creating a wonderful, safe, trash-free, fun experience for everyone. Be aware and contribute awesome vibes.



Always keep learning as you increase awareness and experience.

Check out the expanded survival guide for more info about desert survival.





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